Upcoming Changes

Firstly, thank you for all the users who contributed feedback on the BETA site. We have taken much of this feedback into account and adjusted the sits accordingly.

This BETA phase of the new DCPro will be coming to an end and will be released as the new improved DCPro at October half term. We NEVER release major updates during the first half term of a new academic year as this tends not to go well, as you can well imagine! Once it is released it does not mean that the changes are stuck in aspic and cannot be altered. We, as you know, gather feedback constantly and adjust the system accordingly.

Having said there are no new changes to the system there are a couple of additions and a few changes to support them


In the BETA site there is now chance for you to use the system to save observations that you will be able to view you will also be able to print/share learning journeys. This is a tool which is normally used in EYFS but our version will be able to be used against any framework. If you wish to be set up to use observations please contact us

Other Changes

The following changes will be made to DCPro during the October Half Term break.

    • Ability to have multiple configurable dashboards with lots of new widgets
    • Ability to have multiple secure and greater depth grades
      • For end of year and flight path
    • MAT subjects
    • New framework management screens
      • Easier to manage objectives
      • Link formative and summative grade sets together in more flexible ways. Currently you can set conversations setting thresholds using percentages or averages and have as many rules as you like.  You will have different conversions rules between formative assessments and summative for different subjects, groups of pupils, year groups
    • Improved administrations of
      • Users
      • Custom Groups
      • Subjects
      • Reports
      • MATS/MACS/Federations/Consortia

Road Map

This release is the first stage of a major updating of DCPro. We would love your feedback on the next two major elements to be developed which are the main Tracking screen – formative and summative. We will not take functionality away but will add new so if you have always thought “It would be good if It did x” please let us know

We will also be adding the following over the course of the year

    • Behaviour monitoring / tracking
    • Provision mapping
    • Parental access – single sign on
    • Improved reporting capability
      • Shared filters
      • Sharing/publishing
      • Inclusion of custom groups
    • Changes to parental reporting

If you are keen to work with us in development of any of these areas we would love to hear from you.

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